Werner Silveira


Werner Silveira graduated in Percussion from Minas Gerais Federal University, under Professor Fernando Rocha. From 2005 to 2010 he was a professor and coordinator of the Percussion Ensemble of Clóvis Salgado Foundation’s Music School. In 2010, he coordinated the Music Department of the same institution. Between 2001 and 2007, he joined the Percussion section of the Minas Gerais Symphony.


Parallel to his activities in Filarmônica de Minas Gerais, Werner develops the project Degustação Musical [Musical Tasting], a cycle of thematic lectures that aims to expand and develop our personal and professional perception through the interaction between Arts, History and Philosophy.


Since 2016, Werner also collaborates with the Minas Gerais Philharmonic as curator of the Pre-concert Talks.
